Demographics of the developed countries of the world


 Check the demographics of the developed countries of the world and be startled.

The population figures go like this -

USA - 33.1 Crores 

Russia -14.6 Crores 

Germany - 8.5 Crores 

Turkey - 8.4 Crores 

UK - 6.8 Crores

France - 6.5 Crores 

Italy - 6.1 Crores 

Spain - 4.7 Crores 

Poland - 3.8 Crores 

Romania - 1.9 Crores

Netherlands - 1.7 Crores 

Greece - 1.7 Crores 

Belgium -1.2 Crores 

Czech Republic - 1.1 Crores 

Portugal - 1.1 Crores 

Sweden - 1 Crore 

Hungary - 1 Crore

Switzerland - 0.9 Crore

Bulgaria - 0.7 Crore 

Denmark - 0.6 Crore 

Total - 105. 3 Crores

The rest of the 25 smaller European countries combined (there are 44 countries in the European continent) - 6 Crores

Europe - 105.3 + 6 = 111.3 Crores

Adding the populations of Brazil (21.2 Crores) and Argentina (4.45 Crores) 

111.3 Crores + 25.65 Crores = 136.95 Crores

Thus, finally you have arrived at lndia's population figure of 136 - 138 Crores.

The implication of managing Covid19 in lndia is as enormous  task as managing it in the entire Europe plus USA, Brazil and Argentina.

It's easy to criticise!!

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